Massachusetts Senators

Office of Senator Michael Barrett

Office of Senator Michael Brady

Office of Senator William Brownsberger

Office of Senator Nick Collins

Office of Senator Jo Comerford

Office of Senator Cynthia Creem

Office of Senator Brendan Crighton

Office of Senator John Cronin

Office of Senator Julian Cyr

Office of Senator Sal DiDomenico

Office of Senator Kelly Dooner

Office of Senator William Driscoll

Office of Senator Peter Durant

Office of Senator Lydia Edwards

Office of Senator James Eldridge

Office of Senator Ryan Fattman

Office of Senator Paul Feeney

Office of Senator Dylan Fernandes

Office of Senator Barry Finegold

Office of Senator Cindy Friedman

Office of Senator Adam Gomez

Office of Senator Patricia Jehlen

Office of Senator John Keenan

Office of Senator Ed Kennedy

Office of Senator Robyn Kennedy

Office of Senator Jason Lewis

Office of Senator Joan Lovely

Office of Senator Paul Mark

Office of Senator Liz Miranda

Office of Senator Mark Montigny

Office of Senator Michael Moore

Office of Senator Susan Moran

Office of Senator Patrick O’Connor

Office of Senator Jacob Oliveira

Office of Senator Pavel Payano

Office of Senator Becca Rausch

Office of Senator Michael Rodrigues

Office of Senator Michael Rush

Office of Senate President Karen Spilka

Office of Senator Bruce Tarr

Office of Senator Walter Timilty

Office of Senator John Velis

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